With the wide-spread application of machine learning models, it has become critical to study the potential data leakage of models trained on sensitive data. Recently, various membership inference (MI) attacks are proposed that determines if a sample was part of the training set or not. Although the first generation of MI attacks has been proven to be ineffective in practice, a few recent studies proposed practical MI attacks that achieve reasonable true positive rate at low false positive rate. The question is whether these attacks can be reliably used in practice. We showcase a practical application of membership inference attacks where it is used by an auditor (investigator) to prove to a judge/jury that an auditee unlawfully used sensitive data during training. Then, we show that the auditee can provide a dataset (with potentially unlimited number of samples) to a judge where MI attacks catastrophically fail. Hence, the auditee challenges the credibility of the auditor and can get the case dismissed. More importantly, we show that the auditee does not need to know anything about the MI attack neither a query access to it. In other words, all currently SOTA MI attacks in literature suffer from the same issue. Through comprehensive experimental evaluation, we show that our algorithms can increase the false positive rate from ten to thousands times larger than what auditor claim to the judge. Lastly, we argue that the implication of our algorithms is beyond discredibility: Current membership inference attacks can identify the memorized subpopulations, but they cannot reliably identify which exact sample in the subpopulation was used during training.
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Deep ensemble learning has been shown to improve accuracy by training multiple neural networks and averaging their outputs. Ensemble learning has also been suggested to defend against membership inference attacks that undermine privacy. In this paper, we empirically demonstrate a trade-off between these two goals, namely accuracy and privacy (in terms of membership inference attacks), in deep ensembles. Using a wide range of datasets and model architectures, we show that the effectiveness of membership inference attacks increases when ensembling improves accuracy. We analyze the impact of various factors in deep ensembles and demonstrate the root cause of the trade-off. Then, we evaluate common defenses against membership inference attacks based on regularization and differential privacy. We show that while these defenses can mitigate the effectiveness of membership inference attacks, they simultaneously degrade ensemble accuracy. We illustrate similar trade-off in more advanced and state-of-the-art ensembling techniques, such as snapshot ensembles and diversified ensemble networks. Finally, we propose a simple yet effective defense for deep ensembles to break the trade-off and, consequently, improve the accuracy and privacy, simultaneously.
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Adversarial training is an effective approach to make deep neural networks robust against adversarial attacks. Recently, different adversarial training defenses are proposed that not only maintain a high clean accuracy but also show significant robustness against popular and well studied adversarial attacks such as PGD. High adversarial robustness can also arise if an attack fails to find adversarial gradient directions, a phenomenon known as `gradient masking'. In this work, we analyse the effect of label smoothing on adversarial training as one of the potential causes of gradient masking. We then develop a guided mechanism to avoid local minima during attack optimization, leading to a novel attack dubbed Guided Projected Gradient Attack (G-PGA). Our attack approach is based on a `match and deceive' loss that finds optimal adversarial directions through guidance from a surrogate model. Our modified attack does not require random restarts, large number of attack iterations or search for an optimal step-size. Furthermore, our proposed G-PGA is generic, thus it can be combined with an ensemble attack strategy as we demonstrate for the case of Auto-Attack, leading to efficiency and convergence speed improvements. More than an effective attack, G-PGA can be used as a diagnostic tool to reveal elusive robustness due to gradient masking in adversarial defenses.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Aiming at highly accurate object detection for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), this paper presents a Deep Neural Network based 3D object detection model that leverages a three-stage feature extractor by developing a novel LIDAR-Camera fusion scheme. The proposed feature extractor extracts high-level features from two input sensory modalities and recovers the important features discarded during the convolutional process. The novel fusion scheme effectively fuses features across sensory modalities and convolutional layers to find the best representative global features. The fused features are shared by a two-stage network: the region proposal network (RPN) and the detection head (DH). The RPN generates high-recall proposals, and the DH produces final detection results. The experimental results show the proposed model outperforms more recent research on the KITTI 2D and 3D detection benchmark, particularly for distant and highly occluded instances.
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Owing to the success of transformer models, recent works study their applicability in 3D medical segmentation tasks. Within the transformer models, the self-attention mechanism is one of the main building blocks that strives to capture long-range dependencies, compared to the local convolutional-based design. However, the self-attention operation has quadratic complexity which proves to be a computational bottleneck, especially in volumetric medical imaging, where the inputs are 3D with numerous slices. In this paper, we propose a 3D medical image segmentation approach, named UNETR++, that offers both high-quality segmentation masks as well as efficiency in terms of parameters and compute cost. The core of our design is the introduction of a novel efficient paired attention (EPA) block that efficiently learns spatial and channel-wise discriminative features using a pair of inter-dependent branches based on spatial and channel attention. Our spatial attention formulation is efficient having linear complexity with respect to the input sequence length. To enable communication between spatial and channel-focused branches, we share the weights of query and key mapping functions that provide a complimentary benefit (paired attention), while also reducing the overall network parameters. Our extensive evaluations on three benchmarks, Synapse, BTCV and ACDC, reveal the effectiveness of the proposed contributions in terms of both efficiency and accuracy. On Synapse dataset, our UNETR++ sets a new state-of-the-art with a Dice Similarity Score of 87.2%, while being significantly efficient with a reduction of over 71% in terms of both parameters and FLOPs, compared to the best existing method in the literature. Code: https://github.com/Amshaker/unetr_plus_plus.
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Large-scale multi-modal training with image-text pairs imparts strong generalization to CLIP model. Since training on a similar scale for videos is infeasible, recent approaches focus on the effective transfer of image-based CLIP to the video domain. In this pursuit, new parametric modules are added to learn temporal information and inter-frame relationships which require meticulous design efforts. Furthermore, when the resulting models are learned on videos, they tend to overfit on the given task distribution and lack in generalization aspect. This begs the following question: How to effectively transfer image-level CLIP representations to videos? In this work, we show that a simple Video Fine-tuned CLIP (ViFi-CLIP) baseline is generally sufficient to bridge the domain gap from images to videos. Our qualitative analysis illustrates that the frame-level processing from CLIP image-encoder followed by feature pooling and similarity matching with corresponding text embeddings helps in implicitly modeling the temporal cues within ViFi-CLIP. Such fine-tuning helps the model to focus on scene dynamics, moving objects and inter-object relationships. For low-data regimes where full fine-tuning is not viable, we propose a `bridge and prompt' approach that first uses fine-tuning to bridge the domain gap and then learns prompts on language and vision side to adapt CLIP representations. We extensively evaluate this simple yet strong baseline on zero-shot, base-to-novel generalization, few-shot and fully supervised settings across five video benchmarks. Our code is available at https://github.com/muzairkhattak/ViFi-CLIP.
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We propose a very fast frame-level model for anomaly detection in video, which learns to detect anomalies by distilling knowledge from multiple highly accurate object-level teacher models. To improve the fidelity of our student, we distill the low-resolution anomaly maps of the teachers by jointly applying standard and adversarial distillation, introducing an adversarial discriminator for each teacher to distinguish between target and generated anomaly maps. We conduct experiments on three benchmarks (Avenue, ShanghaiTech, UCSD Ped2), showing that our method is over 7 times faster than the fastest competing method, and between 28 and 62 times faster than object-centric models, while obtaining comparable results to recent methods. Our evaluation also indicates that our model achieves the best trade-off between speed and accuracy, due to its previously unheard-of speed of 1480 FPS. In addition, we carry out a comprehensive ablation study to justify our architectural design choices.
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在计算机视觉领域,异常检测最近引起了越来越多的关注,这可能是由于其广泛的应用程序从工业生产线上的产品故障检测到视频监视中即将发生的事件检测到在医疗扫描中发现病变。不管域如何,通常将异常检测构架为一级分类任务,其中仅在正常示例上进行学习。整个成功的异常检测方法的家庭基于学习重建掩盖的正常输入(例如贴片,未来帧等),并将重建误差的幅度作为异常水平的指标。与其他基于重建的方法不同,我们提出了一种新颖的自我监督蒙面的卷积变压器块(SSMCTB),该卷积变压器块(SSMCTB)包括基于重建的功能在核心架构层面上。拟议的自我监督块非常灵活,可以在神经网络的任何层上掩盖信息,并与广泛的神经体系结构兼容。在这项工作中,我们扩展了以前的自我监督预测性卷积专注块(SSPCAB),并具有3D掩盖的卷积层,以及用于频道注意的变压器。此外,我们表明我们的块适用于更广泛的任务,在医学图像和热视频中添加异常检测到基于RGB图像和监视视频的先前考虑的任务。我们通过将SSMCTB的普遍性和灵活性整合到多个最先进的神经模型中,以进行异常检测,从而带来了经验结果,可以证实对五个基准的绩效改进:MVTEC AD,BRATS,BRATS,Avenue,Shanghaitech和Thermal和Thermal和Thermal罕见事件。我们在https://github.com/ristea/ssmctb上发布代码和数据作为开源。
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